It also had a 6 mo subscription to suretrack which Snap On gives you access to if you keep the tool on a subscription as the dealer fee is less also if you add it as soon as you need to vs later. I know summer of 2016 the Solus Edge, not the Solus fully updated with Euro scan capability with free 6 mo of updates (16.4 since they update 2nd and 4th qtr of each year hence 16.4, 17.2). Geezer someone must've forgot to put a reserve on it or it was stolen unless someone needed a quick bus ticket to get out of town after quitting their mechanics job. i know the verus is pretty expensive not sure of the solus product line since it doesnt have the guided component tests etc.
has 17.2 how much are the updates? id like to update to 17.4.
Cheryl hartkorn wrote: just got a real good deal on ebay for a solus edge i won the bid for 300.